The alcohol-free extracts are made with fresh organically grown herbs, extracted in glycerin produced from sustainably grown palm and coconut oil. Next to alcohol based tinctures, glycerites are often considered the most well rounded medicinal extract of an herb. Glycerin is great at extracting many of the same constituents as alcohol, so these products are a great alternative for children of any age, as well as anyone who is avoiding alcohol for any reason.
During the extraction process a very small amount of alcohol is used to break down the plant material and allow for better extraction in the glycerin. It is listed on the label, although the amount in the final product is negligible.
Glycerites come in 2oz dropper bottles
Read more about each of the herbs offered as a glycerite below:
Lemon Balm: This a fresh extract of fresh lemon balm grown in my garden. This is a great herb to have on hand to help ease tension and nerves, especially if that presents as digestive distress or "butterflies in the stomach". Lemon balm is a lovely mood lifter, and can be useful for those to tend toward melancholy or depression. Great for calming kids too, and is quite tasty if added to juice or tea. Lemon balm is also highly antiviral and is often used to treat cold sore or other herpes family virus outbreaks.
Catnip: This fresh catnip glycerite is a lovely calming nervine, helping to relieve nervous tension and induce mental and physical relaxation. Catnip is actually a mild sedative, though it has the opposite effect on our feline friends. With its high content of volatile oils, catnip is also a great remedy for gastrointestinal complaints, and may be useful in relieving colic and gas in babies, as well as intestinal spasm in young children. Its ability to calm, relive cramping and the fact that it is gentle and safe make it a must have remedy for anyone with young kids. Some cultures even used catnip to relive teething pain in their babes. Catnip is also traditionally used to treat colds and flus, and can ease the discomfort of an illness.
Chamomile: Chamomile is commonly known as a gentle relaxing herb, and for this reason it is a wonderful remedy to have on hand for children and adults alike. Its relaxing nervine effect can be felt in both the physical and emotional bodies, easing physical tension, nervousness, anxiety, and helping to promote restful sleep. Chamomile also has an affinity for digestive issues, its bitterness helping to prepare the digestive organs for their work, and the carminative action easing any intestinal pain or cramping after a meal, as well as heartburn or indigestion. This affinity may also be seen in chamomile's ability to soothe little ones with colic or reflux. Chamomile has also been studied for its ability to relieve the discomforts of menstruation, such as bloating, premenstrual anxiety and painful cramping.
Tulsi: Tulsi is probably best known for its adaptogenic and immunomodulating actions. Adaptogens are herbs that help our bodies deal with stress, and since stress (of one form or another) is the root of all illness, adaptogens can be incredibly helpful herbs to work with on a regular basis. Whether the stress comes in the form chemical exposures, lack of sleep, less than ideal diet, lack of sunlight/time in nature, illness, or a big life change, adaptogens can help us cope and help our bodies adapt. The immunomodulating action is incredibly helpful in day to day life as well, as it can help increase immune system function when we are at risk of illness, but also down-regulate the immune system when we are not. Overactive or dysfunctional immune systems are at the root of many autoimmune issues, allergies and food intolerances, so regulating this activity can be very helpful in maintaining immune balance. Tulsi is also antimicrobial and has been used traditionally to treat upper respiratory infections. This glycerite is made from fresh Tulsi harvested while flowering from my garden and fresh organic tulsi from Crystal Organic Farm. Tulsi tastes like bubblegum and pineapple, and generally kids are very happy to take it straight!